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Our expedited services are designed to give you the fastest delivery times, so that you can get your products to customers on time. With these services, your customers will never have to worry about waiting too long for their orders.


Our Expedited Packages are listed below:


  • Express expedited: Completed within 3-5 days
  • Express plus expedited: Completed within 2-3 days
  • Instant expedited: Completed within 24 hours 

Expedited Services

  • Welcome to our Expedited Services! Our company offers credit refunds for customers who have purchased projects. We understand that sometimes our customers may change their mind, so we are here to help. However, once a project has been started, no refunds will be issued. The start of the project is marked after email has been sent to the customers email address on file. This is to protect our business and to ensure we are providing the best customer service. To make sure you are eligible for a refund, please make sure to read our refund policy. Thank you for choosing us

    **Customer can receive a coupon of store credit in the amount of their orginal order. The store coupon will be good for 90 days.**

  • Digital Products: This digital product will be sent to the email on file, the products such as our business cards could be chosen as a service that you can also choose to have printed and sent to your home address. 

    Websites: We will log into your website platform and complete website services from there. Please do not go behind us and change anything that we are implementing. If said issue is done, we will terminate job and there will be no refund issued. 

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